Monday, April 21, 2008

Am Not!!!

There are certain colloquial phrases that belong to children:

"I'm going to tell my dad"

The one that comes to mind tonight is: "AM NOT!!"

This phrase is often said in response to some lame kid calling you some lame name, or ascribing some negative attribute to you that, in your opinion, isn't true. Or accuses you of something that you'd rather not be accused of.

Tonight, I have this overwhelming urge to rebuke the lies from Satan, my head, and my heart, using this powerful youthful phrase. So here goes:

You are a mistake...AM NOT!
You are a whore...AM NOT!
You are a slave to your habitual downfalls...AM NOT!
You are unworthy of love...AM NOT!
You are a waste of time...AM NOT!
You are a selfish brat who cares only about herself...AM NOT!
You are a disappointment to the Lord...AM NOT!
You are a disappointment to your parents...AM NOT!
You are too bold, too outspoken, and too lively for anyone to handle...AM NOT!
You are consumed with the spotlight...AM NOT!
You are too analytical...AM NOT!
You are too much of a sinner to ever be used for good..AM NOT!
You are destined to be ineffective...AM NOT!
You are a loser...AM NOT!
You are a fake...AM NOT!
You are a hypocrite...AM NOT!
You are living a lie...AM NOT!
You are without self-control..AM NOT!
You are too impatient, which is why good things never come...AM NOT!
You are weak...AM NOT!
You are foolish...AM NOT!
You are beyond hope...AM NOT!!!!

Take that Satan! And if you try it again, I'm going to tell my Dad!

*phew* I feel better :)

1 comment:

paulh said...

just wanted to let you know that I read this and am encouraged. "I'm going to tell my dad!" :) take that, Satan!