Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Chaos at the Heart of Orion

Chaos at the Heart of Orion. That is the name of this picture taken from the Spitzer/Hubble space telescope. Yet in the chaos, isn't there such beauty? I hope that the person who took this photo didn't just add the colors for effect, but that they are the true colors God ordained.

I think the Lord ordains His beauty and colors in the chaos of a woman's heart. Even if our beauty is somewhat skewed (any woman wearing mascara can attest that it's not a pretty sight), the Lord can show His beauty, His plan, His majesty.

Peace like a river attended my way this evening. I am in awe of the way the Father of the Universe can arrange the stars in the sky, the planets around the sun, and rearrange the occasional chaotic moments of my emotions and mind.

The rollercoaster highs and lows, drives and defeats, and some of these occuring in a matter of 24 hours is sometimes daunting and frustrating. But all in all, it makes me aware that admist the confusion in my heart, the Sovereign God of the Universe still has me under control as well :)

Prince of Peace, You are my God
my Savior, friend, and confidant
forgive my doubts; i will celebrate
the love You are and gave of late

the plans of mine may fall apart
postponed, deterred, or altered still
but i will rest with joy, my Lord
that never changing is Your will

forbid me, Lord, to put my hope
in plans or gifts or thoughts of mine
though an off'ring, and prayerful filled
it is You in whom i will abide

Peace, but not as of the world
yet giv'n to us upon this earth
bestowed upon the hearts of those
stayed on God and Savior's birth

Oh holy Brother, truest friend
I will forever follow Thee
lead me where Your road may end
even if to calvary

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