Monday, December 14, 2009

Reconciliation this Christmas

And so this is Christmas, and what have you done?

As a worship leader, I have been challenged to actually read the words of th carols I incorporate into the worship list. I was listening today intently to the lyrics for "Hark the Harold Angels Sing" and heard the line, "God and sinners reconciled."

Instead of getting all philisophical, I'm going to get to the point. If I am celebrating the season in which God reconciled me to him through Jesus, I feel as though it is also necessary that I seek to reconcile myself to others.

Sometimes this is not a huge ordeal. It may have been that you've really lacked on your share of the apartment responsiblities (which I have done). It may have been that you allowed your tongue to get out of hand and spoke ill of someone that you actually care about deeply even if you disagree with them on various levels (which I have done). Maybe you forgot to put the toilet seat down (which I have not done, thank you.)

But sometimes it is a huge deal. Maybe you stopped talking to someone out of bitterness (which I have done). Maybe you stood by as someone got totally verbally annihilated and just by listening partook in their abuse (which I have done). Maybe you've done something else that doesn't need broadcasted on a blog post (which I have done).

My prayer for myself and for us during this season is that we would seek to be reconciled to eachother. Even if that means going to your closest friends and asking, "I love you, I care about you, I'd do anything for you, but what have I not done? Have I offended you in any way? What can I do to make our relationship the way it should be? How can I honor you better?" Even if you're not sure you've done anything, I assure you that even the gesture can be a breath of fresh air.

There are some reconciliations that require time, and reconciliation/forgiveness cannot be forced. But if the Holy Spirit puts someone on our hearts, and gives us peace that seeking that reconciliation is possible, I hope we follow through.

Peace on earth, good will towards men. May the Spirit prepare our way as we prepare his.

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