This idea about choice and life are two major questions I have been asking myself. Do I have choice? Where do I find true life? What do I choose? What life am I living? On the surface, these questions seem to have simple answers. But since when do I settle for simple answers? *scoffs*
My pastor recently rebuked me (in his gentle wise fashion) that when I choose one thing, I am not choosing another. Obvious? Maybe. For example, if I choose to watch Law and Order SVU, I am NOT choosing to spend 1 hour of good conversation to encourage and be encouraged by a friend. Is one better than the other? Perhaps, but I wouldn't necessarily call either "wrong."
A more poinient example. If I choose sinful behavior (sexual, addictive, pride, anger), I am NOT choosing God, or the lifestyle that can encourage, honor, inspire others.
And something is lost there. I choose one thing, I lose out on the other. Because I made the chioce. Not that it was a punishment and God was like, "Bad Elise! Now you don't get this." No, it was my choice because I chose to.
It's like what we tell kids when they're young. "You have two options: You can choose to be angry and miss recess, or you can choose to say your sorry and play with the group."
Even better, more personal example. When I was in preschool, I had the following conversation with my teacher:
Me: Teacher, the kids won't play what I want to play.
Teacher: Well, Elise, maybe you could choose to go over and play what they're playing
Teacher: Well, Elise, maybe you could choose to go over and play what they're playing
Me: *sigh* I don't think I can do that. *walks to bench and sits alone for the remainder of recess*
What a lonely, miserable choice! I was so fixated on what I wanted to do that I gave up the opportunity to play with my friends. I chose to be isolated and alone, and totally missed out on 20 minutes of life.
Do I still do that?
There are choices I have made that have cost me wonderful precious moments in life. And many of those moments I was still physically present, but my heart and mind were somewhere else. When I sin and choose temporary satisfaction, my heart and mind are often haunted with that regret, and I can't fully enjoy the true joyful life that I am meant to live. When I choose life, I can fully invest myself, heart body and soul, without feeling like I've given part of me away to someone or something else that really had not intention of sticking around.
Here's an interesting point: Do we actually get to CHOOSE what we do? Is it part of some pre-organized plan? My answer...
Blah Blah Blah...
Honestly, as much as I am into theology and deep discussions, I think we can all agree that we come across many forks in the road and have to make a decision. God calls us to be active in our choices, informed in our decisions, and trusting Him and relying on the Spirit. For example.
The Lord says, "I call heaven and earth to witness against you today, that I have set before you life and death, blessing and curse. Therefore CHOOSE life, that you and your offspring may live, LOVING the Lord your God, OBEYING His voice and holding fast to Him, for He is the life and length of days, that you may dwell in the land that the Lord swore to your fathers, to Abraham, to Isaac, and to Jacob, to give them." (Deuteronomy 30:19-20)
Matthew 7:8 For everyone who ASKS receives, and the one who SEEKS finds, and to the one who KNOCKS it will be opened.
Notice God calls these people in both verses to do something. All of these are action verbs, and so we should NOT resign to thinking we have no control or responsibility in whether we can choose a life of God and purpose or choose a life of sin and futility.
So my challenge to all of us and myself is to be pro-choice. We should make the commitment to choose what is good, pure, holy, beneficial, appropriate, joyful, honorable, moral. And in those moments of complete confusion, praying for the Holy Spirit to guide us in the right direction, and if we make the wrong choice, show us and lead us out!
I challenge all of us to be pro-life. Jesus said, "The thief (the devil, false prophets) comes only to steal and kill and destroy. I came that they may have life and have it abundantly." (John 10:10) The Devil, false religions, and smooth talkers seeking self satisfaction offer nothing good. They come to steal our joy, kill our lives, and destroy our souls. Jesus says that no only did He come to earth to give us life, but to give us life ABUNDANTLY. Overflowing with joy, love, hope, faith, and FUN.
Today I felt that joy when facilitating our middle school and senior high youth group in leading worship for our church. I have not had that much fun in a LONG time, that even now, 12 hours afterwards, I am still oozing with joy and love for them and My Heavenly Father for what He did. That is abundant life!
Which would you rather have?
...therefore CHOOSE LIFE, that you and your offspring may live... He is the life and length of days...
Be pro-choice and choose true life. Surprise surprise, your life will be better for it :)
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