Wednesday, January 02, 2008

Happy New Year, Bedford Falls!

Do you ever feel so speechless and overwhelmed that all you seem to want to do is run around in the snow yelling I love you to everything you see? Kind of like that scene from 'It's a Wonderful Life" when Jimmy Stewart is being absolutely ridiculous. I love that scene...

I've tried for the last 10 minutes to write something meaningful and profound, some Biblical revelation of the Lord's greatness and power (which are worth writing about). Maybe I'd write about my thoughts on generational sin and behavior. Maybe I'll write about what I read in Zechariah regarding God's involvement from the greatest creation to the smallest details. But I can't. All I can do is write what's on my heart, and right now it's this simple.

It is January 1st.
It's snowing outside.
And I have a boyfriend.

And I feel terrified, mystified, satisfied, content, concerned, freaking out, totally at peace, dumbfounded, and just absolutely awesome.

Tomorrow will be the 2nd.
Tomorrow the snow might melt.
Tomorrow I may or may not have a boyfriend.
I mean honestly, I could very well die in my sleep tonight if God wanted.

But all morbidity aside, this has been the best start to a new year that I have ever had.
And I am so thankful :)

Happy New Year, Bedford Falls :)

1 comment:

Liana said...


I really like your post! I also really enjoyed hearing your heart last night at connexion. I am truly exited for this new adventure that you have stepped into. I pray that you will not give up, and that you will draw on the strangth of our awsome heavently father, and lover to take these new steps as I pray to that Micheal would do the same. when we wait on God he does great things. Liana :)