Saturday, March 24, 2007

Asian Invasion (and thoughts)

I am currently writing this blog on my friend Roy's computer. She's from South Korea, and so all her websites are in Korean. Makes it interesting when I'm using gmail and blogger and I have no idea what any of the butttons mean. Thank the Lord for color coordination :)

There's a lot of stuff on my mind right now, mainly reflection/revelation ideas. I think the theme of today is the body of Christ, really coming to an understanding of what it is and what it means. For instance, in Philly I witnessed first hand what the apostle Paul meant by the eye needing the ear and the hand needing the foot. We have all been given gifts for the edification of the church, but that also means that we don't have all the gifts ourselves. We need others. Others need us. Okay, I need others. Others need me. It's a fact. Otherwise everyone else and myself wouldn't exist, and that would be very lonely.

I have Korean sisters who are so in love with Jesus, and their lacking in the English language made me appreciate their careful and amazing choice of words. And they saw their handicap as a weakness. I saw it as a source of strength.

My sister Sara just walked in and held gave me a high five, and we kept that palm to palm connection for about 3 secs. That means a lot. My friend Caitlin just walked in the door from Indy. Her spunk and youth just exhilerate me. I really love the body of Christ.

So why am I so thoughtful today? Because in the knowledge that we don't have every gift comes the knowledge that we don't have every purpose. God has not purposed us to do everything. THe Lord has not purposed us to do the same thing. In less general terms, the Lord has not purposed in our lives to marry the same person that someone else is seeing, because they have a specific goal that God has in store that ONLY those two people could conquer in His Spirit. The Lord has not destined us to have the same groups of friends because perhaps those ones over there cannot edify me and I cannot edify them the way that their friends can.

It sounds selfish (and surprise surprise I am at times), but I think there is truth. Every one in our lives are there for a reason. They come and go as they are purposed. But in the end, we are work together shoulder to shoulder, spirit to spirit, heart to heart, like the body. The acceptance of having one purpose is surprisingly disappointing right now. But...that's okay :)

1 comment:

saraspeaks said...

now i know what you were thinking about when i came in. i really do value and love you.