Saturday, July 22, 2006

Baby Steps

I love children. I think we can learn a lot from them. The most recent lesson my greatest teachers have taught me is this: Baby steps.

Think about the whole process. A child is crawling around, pretty dependent on the direction of their parents. Then she starts to figure, "Hey, I want to venture on my own!" So she attempts to stand, almost always landing back on the diaper butt. But eventually, she is able to stand, and takes that first step. Again, on the butt. But step by step, the baby soon is walking small distances, and before you know it, bolting out into the street or into a wall. Where a parent once just needed a keen pair of eyes, now they need a leash to contain this ball of electricity. Or maybe that was just my parents.

But baby steps. They seem so small, like the child will never get anywhere. But think about it. These steps lead to amazing feats. Walking, running, jumping, grape vine, flaminco dancing, grande jettes, skipping, galloping, monkeying around, the Electric Slide, the list goes ON!

And it all originated with a small shaky step that usually didn't go as far as one might imagine.

What's the hurry, amici? Learn from the little poopers. Baby steps are best.

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