I haven't written in a while, but now, having internet free and an unlimited time, I thought I'd share my evening God revelation.
I have a confession to make: I haven't been making much time for God. It's been really hard to read my Bible, it's been really hard to pray, and it's been really hard to just BE with Him. So tonight, after arriving in New Zealand after an amazing month in Fiji, I decided to grab a guitar and sit underneath the stars and humbly come before God in the way I know best: music.
I laid down on the picnic bench and God reminded me how amazing His creation is. I missed the star scattered nights of New Zealand. I started singing a few worship songs, and suddenly I saw a shooting star. Awesome! I sang another one, and there was another star! Three songs later, another star! Then I started praying, confessing, asking forgiveness, and there was another one. I felt as if the Lord was confirming what I was singing, as if each star was a sign of His recognition. It was amazing.
But I also sensed that the Lord was reminding me of something about how He works. You see, I just got back from Fiji, which was amazing, but I was honestly disappointed that I didn't see huge massive amounts of people healed, coming to the Lord, hitting their knees in repentance. I saw the stars representing the multitudes of people lost, scattered on the earth. God did tell Abraham that his descendants would be like the stars in the sky.
But admist all the stars standing still, not moving, were those few shooting stars. God showed me that the shooting stars were the fruit of God, the changed lives in people. And he gave me two insights into the nature of these stars:
1. I can't expect results immediately. I had to keep looking for these stars, not just wait five minutes expecting a meteor shower to occur. In 30 minutes, I saw only 5 shooting stars in a multitude of thousands. But each shooting star was beautiful. And that is the nature of how God bears fruit. It takes time, and it's in His timing. We just have to be patient and keep our eyes open.
2. The shooting stars happened while I was praising God, while I was praying. This is the same with people. If I praise God, if I pray, I will see changes in people's lives as well.
So those are my thoughts tonight. God is good, all the time. Especially on starry, starry nights :) Gute nacht.