Tuesday, November 07, 2006

I blame you

The title of this blog is not an accusation. It is a confession.

I confess to all of you that most likely, at some point in my life, I have blamed you for something. Please forgive me. Instead of blaming you, I should have considered my part in the event. Even if I had no control, blaming you does nothing.

Realize this: Blame does nothing. Unless you count hurting people as something.

So, why the confession, Elise? It started with an attempt to be funny with an away message. I started writing about how my eating habits have been mirroring that of a soup kitchen, and that I blamed Kroger for not having more variety of sales to fit my college budget. And then, just before pressing okay, I realize how stupid I was being. I'm MAD that I'm eating soup everyday? I'm MAD that I have the option to eat, to buy, the freedom to choose, and the budget to allow for at least 3 meals a day, even if I don't take the opportunity to do so?

This isn't supposed to be a political blog, but I think American's complain a lot. We're used to having so much that we complain when even the slighest thing is taken away. It's like an only child who suddenly has to share a living space, the rich kid who suddenly has to take out the trash, or any other variety of analogies. Being spoiled will result in you being spoiled. Did that make sense?

I'm reading a book called, "Ruthless Trust" and the chapter I just started talks about gratitude. A life of faith in Christ is a life of gratitude: thankfulness for our conditions, even when our conditions are the most heavenly (which make sense considering we're not in heaven). This is kind of hard for me, because I often see God as holding out on me when I don't get something my way. Honestly, I can be such a spoiled brat. So I've been praying to see the blessings of the Lord. And even after a day, I cannot tell you what has captured my attention. I'll list just a few:

the smell of coffee
the excitement of seeing Irish breakfast teat
24 hour supermarkets
the rain, for both vegetation and romantic effects
instant messenger for keeing in touch with friends
big bear hugs
being wisked off my feet
giant bear hugs
really tall people
really honest people
really patient people
A faithful God
a loving God
a providing God
a neverchanging always honest God
a pastor who doesn't mind my three point questions
the people who recorded the Bible
Messianic Jews
Non-messianic Jews
a warm house, even when it's too warm

Okay, that's nowhere near good for now, but it'll have to do. I encourage all of you to take one day and consider all the blessings you have, and even consider the screwed up circumstances as blessings. The Lord has this very moment as a reason, and if it wasn't serving His purpose, He'd change it. I truely believe that. So consider what the purpose of your situation is: to praise? to pray? to forgive? to learn? or maybe just to smile?

Oh I am so thankful for smiles. I can think of a few of my favorites.

And suddenly, there is no one left to blame.

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